Tuesday 24 May 2011

La-la-la-la Elmo's World

Never bring a new red towel to yoga!

I usually try to take older towels to yoga, but there's always that time of the month, FINE...week, that there's no clean towels so I end up taking one of the "better" ones. At my house "better" is being very generous.  I typically can't find a towel to save my life anyway. There's a problem with reusing towels in this house. I tried to get the kids to hang them back up again for the next shower but usually they end up in a nasty ball in their closet. Forget about reusing my yoga towels too (YUCK!).  If I manage a few days with an actually stack on clean towels in my closet then I'm doing very well. 

Besides the lack of reusing, there's also the towels that the kids have decided to use to clean their bikes, or that hubby has used to wipe his greasy hands. Plus there's the multiple towels that have bleach stains cause for some reason I thought that you could use bleach on colors as long as you used the little bleach tray thingy on your washing machine. Guess what!  That's NOT true!  Add that to the list of things my Mama never taught me....along with how to sew, iron, cook...yeah Mom...I'm blaming you!

So tonight, there's one lonely towel in the closet.  Guess it's time to throw in a load of laundry.  I grab my very new, hardly washed, RED towel to take with me. 

Halfway through the crazy HOT Hot Fusion class I notice a huge cut on my foot. Weird...when did that happen? It kinda looks like a huge scratch up the top of my foot.  I bend down to touch it and realize it's not a scratch at all....it's a friggin thread off my towel!  Carry on....no big deal.  Until I notice a "scratch" on my leg, and then my other leg, and now there's one on my arm, and all over my fingers.  WTF!  First though, if this is all over my face I'm going to die!!!!  I'm covered in red fluff!  Second though...if this is all over my face I probably look like Elmo! 

Well, OMG........for the rest of the class all I could hear in my head was....
"La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, Elmo's World!!"

Maybe tomorrow night I'll bring a blue one and work on my inner Cookie Monster.

1 comment:

  1. Gawd you're hilarious! Too bad I missed out!! Glad you're keeping up on the blog too. Read some of them to my mom last night.
